12:47 am

There is a Pastafarian get together on August 9, 2024 at the Best Western Plus Silver Creek Inn in Swansboro, North Carolina. Attendees will receive a free hotel room and a leatherbound copy of the Loose Canon. For information text Russell Eric Whitfield at (252) 503-1402 or visit the Facebook event page titled, "Pastafarian Loose Canon".
6:07 pm
I smell burnt meatballs here. Perhaps it's because one of Russell's "relatives" published unsactioned copies of The Loose Canon? Evidence can be quickly found on the Venganza.org forums:
Be cautious, everyone.
2:53 pm

Considering Eric Whitfield and his "relatives" DO NOT have any permission from the Council of the Olive Garden (the compilers of the Loose Canon), or any of the authors who's work is included in aforementioned text, the supposed "leatherbound copy of the Loose Canon" will either be an illegal stolen copy, or NOT the Loose Canon at all.
Perhaps Russell Eric Whitfield might have a discussion with Eric Whitfield about copyright theft.
6:16 pm

I am Russell Eric Whitfield or Eric Whitfield that you are referencing. Feel free to text me any time at (252) 503-1402. You can also go to the Pastafarian Loose Canon page on facebook. I am not on facebook at present but I will be signing up for facebook again in the distant future. I hope to see both of you on August 9, 2024 at the Best Western Plus Silver Creek Inn in Swansboro, North Carolina! You can get a free hotel room and a leatherbound copy of the Loose Canon.
6:32 pm

I forgot to mention. You can send me email at onslow2013@yahoo.com or mail me at:
Russell Eric Whitfield
138 Daniel Drive
Hubert, NC 28539
My contact information has been readily available for over 2 years. I am also available on twitter. My handle on twitter is Eric Whitfield @SeriPastafarian . You are free to contact me any time or for any reason. Once again, I hope to see you on August 9, 2024 at the Best Western Plus Silver Creek Inn in Swansboro, North Carolina.
Please get the word out about the Pastafarian Convention on the Venganza Forums in the FSM gatherings section. I would greatly appreciate.
11:55 am
(puts on captain's hat)
We pastafarians shall refuse to attend your event. We cannot support or condone your treating of our holy scripture as a means of personal profit. That is disrespectful to us, to our scripture, to the many people who have worked hard to bring our scripture to fruition, and (most importantly) Our Holy Glob the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Thank you for your offer, but no thanks. I sincerely hope you enjoy your one-man party you have scheduled for August 9, 2024.
1:46 pm

I personally will be in attendance at Mr. Whitfeild's event. Hopefully more people will. but from what i have learned it will be a joyous occasion.
3:54 pm
Once again, the smell of burnt meatballs hangs in the air... But I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't Eric in disguise (no disrespect intended if you aren't him).
I would respectfully ask that you consider not attending the event, even if you aren't a Pastafarian. Eric has tried multiple times to illegally copy and sell The Loose Canon. He does not have, probably never will have, nor has ever had permission to sell copies of The Loose Canon. Combine that with the far-off date and the fact that I can't find the so-called event page on Facebook, and it starts to look a little fishy (and I absolutely hate seasfood!)...
If you do proceed with your decision to attend, do not attend under the guise of Pastafarianism. More importantly, not not pay any fee if Eric tries to charge you one. It is one thing to ask for a fee to cover the costs of an event, but when that event includes a book that the host has tried, on multiple occaisions, to steal and sell illegally, the fee should automatically be waived for all attendees and the host should be made to take on the full cost of the event as (partial) penance to the Pastafarian community.
5:12 pm

ItchyPirate said
Once again, the smell of burnt meatballs hangs in the air... But I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't Eric in disguise (no disrespect intended if you aren't him).
I would respectfully ask that you consider not attending the event, even if you aren't a Pastafarian. Eric has tried multiple times to illegally copy and sell The Loose Canon. He does not have, probably never will have, nor has ever had permission to sell copies of The Loose Canon. Combine that with the far-off date and the fact that I can't find the so-called event page on Facebook, and it starts to look a little fishy (and I absolutely hate seasfood!)...
If you do proceed with your decision to attend, do not attend under the guise of Pastafarianism. More importantly, not not pay any fee if Eric tries to charge you one. It is one thing to ask for a fee to cover the costs of an event, but when that event includes a book that the host has tried, on multiple occaisions, to steal and sell illegally, the fee should automatically be waived for all attendees and the host should be made to take on the full cost of the event as (partial) penance to the Pastafarian community.
Try this link:
If you still can't find the facebook page then perhaps you were blocked by one of the more radical admins.
5:30 pm

I will take your advice with a grain of sand itchy pirate.
7:09 pm

Dear Sirs or Madams of the Wise Council of the Olive Garden:
My name is Russell Eric Whitfield at 138 Daniel Drive in Hubert, North Carolina. My phone number is (252) 503-1402. The reason I am writing is to apologize for failing to publish the Loose Canon in June 2017 as promised. For some reason I felt like it was too soon.
I do however plan to at least publish some version of the Loose Canon in 2024 which is 7 years from now. I'm not sure what it will be exactly but I sent a possible scenario to Dark Noodle for his consideration. So far I still have works from Fini, Ham Nox, Ichiban Bach, Jeff, Platypus Enthusiast, Roland Deschain, Snacky, Solipsy and Tristan that I am considering to include in the 2024 version of the Loose Canon. I am not sure yet. Some of these authors may prefer to be excluded. I'm about 38 pages short of where I desire to be by 2024. This may require me to write more scriptures myself or perhaps you have some way to help me fill these additional 38 pages. We have 7 years to work out all of the final details. I'm sure something will come up.
In addition I want to inform you that I am hosting a Pastafarian Convention on August 9, 2024 at Best Western Plus Silver Creek Inn in Swansboro, North Carolina.
http://www.facebook.com/Pastaf.....LooseCanon Those in attendance will receive a hotel room and a leatherbound copy of the Loose Canon. I'm hoping there will be 25 in attendance but I am realistically expecting to see 10. You are cordially invited to be in attendance at this event. I would love to meet each of you. Even though our working relationship is unique and even somewhat confusing, I have enjoyed every moment of it.
Please give me a list of at least 7 things that I should consider when publishing the Loose Canon. (One for each year. lol) Let's make this happen!
Russell Eric Whitfield
138 Daniel Drive
Hubert, NC 28539
(252) 503-1402
P.S. Please distribute my contact information to as many people as you possibly can. I want as much feedback as possible to make the Loose Canon truly a successful masterpiece to be enjoyed for centuries to come.
7:18 pm
You want 7 things to consider, but I have a list of 15 things to consider:
1. The Loose Canon 1st Edition is already published.
2. The Loose Canon 2nd Edition is currently being worked on.
3. Russell Eric Whitfield has never legally published The Loose Canon.
4. Russell Eric Whitfield doesn't have permission to publish The Loose Canon.
5. Eric Whitfield has never legally published The Loose Canon.
6. Eric Whitfield doesn't have permission to publish The Loose Canon.
7. The Loose Canon is published by The Council of the Olive Garden.
8. Only The Council of the Olive Garden is permitted to publish official copies of The Loose Canon.
9. The Loose Canon has been contributed to by members of the Pastafarian community.
10. Permission to publish The Loose Canon must be obtained either from The Council of the Olive Garden or *all* of the authors whose works it contains.
11. If neither condition of item #10 is met, the copy of The Loose Canon in question is illegal.
12. The only legally published copy of The Loose Canon may be obtained in HTML format from http://loose-canon.info/
13. The only legally published copy of The Loose Canon may be obtained in ePub fromat from http://loose-canon.info/
14. The only legally published copy of The Loose Canon may be obtained in PDF format from http://loose-canon.info/
15. Any other version or copy of The Loose Canon being published is illegal and a hoax.
11:41 pm

Let's move forward and press towards a greater Pastafarian future. You have only listed one thing to consider disguised as 15 things. Do you have any new ideas? Russell Eric Whitfield is well aware of the legal status of the Loose Canon. Russell Eric Whitfield is familiar with United States copyright law. Can we move past that already? That is old news. I am looking for fresh and new ideas. Your legal theory is adorable but it does not represent reality in any way shape or form. If you do want to wallow in old news, here is a few things for you to consider.
1. Russell Eric Whitfield did formally publish the Loose Canon Complete Second Edition on January 18, 2014.
2. Russell Eric Whitfield obtained signatures from all 15 authors giving permission to use their work in the Loose Canon Complete Second Edition. There names are as follows: Aba Sababa, Alien Soda Jerk, Auntie Dee Dee, David D., Fini, Ham Nox, Ichiban Bach, Jeff, Pious Pirate, Pedantic Pastrian Priest, Platypus Enthusiast, Roland Deschain, Snacky, Solipsy and Tristan. (no these are not their real names)
3. Russell Eric Whitfield paid $125.00 for the rights to be the publisher on file.
4. Russell Eric Whitfield sold 18 copies of the Loose Canon.
5. Russell Eric Whitfield was paid less than $10.00 in royalties.
6. Russell Eric Whitfield lost over $115.00 in his efforts.
7. Items 3, 4 and 5 prove that Russell Eric Whitfield has no grounds to be charged criminally for copyright theft.
8. As of January 18, 2017 Russell Eric Whitfield has not been subpoenaed to appear in court for copyright infringement.
9. All authors revoked their rights by failing to file suit against Russell Eric Whitfield within 3 years of the violation.
10. There is no such thing as the Council of the Olive Garden.
11. If there were a real entity named Council of the Olive Garden they would not own the rights to works written by other people. The author owns the rights.
12. There is only one Pastafarian on the entire planet willing to pay $50 to a lawyer to properly pursue this matter.
13. Russell Eric Whitfield actually has $50 and will gladly pay a lawyer if necessary.
This is issue completely over. Stop acting all delusional and insane. Instead of being ridiculous and nonsensical with fiery speech let's instead move forward and press towards a greater Pastafarian future.
Please attend the Pastafarian Convention on August 9, 2024 at Best Western Plus Silver Creek Inn in Swansboro, North Carolina and air your grievances there. Russell Eric Whitfield will be there and ready to help anybody who wants to improve the Pastafarian brand. Let's move forward and press towards a greater Pastafarian future! I know that we can be wise. Thinking is a part of our religion.
11:49 pm

Another thing to consider:
Russell Eric Whitfield wrote a song to prove his innocence in the matter.
2:17 am
Thank you for your kind words to me as a "delusional" person living in the past, and thank you also for the fact that you failed to prove any of your statements. Futher, thank you for trying to trick me into using a website run by a company that tries to track me everywhere I go in order to watch a song that is probably insincere. Thank you also for revealing that you cannot count 15 things as 15 things but rather that you can count to only 1.
The links I provided in post number 2 (sorry, I know you can't count that high) prove that you do not have permission to publish The Loose Canon.
Furthermore, the authors of the written works have given permission to the Council of the Olive Garden to publish their works in The Loose Canon; if you don't believe me, you can post on the Venganza forum to ask for proof there -- or you would be able to if you hadn't gotten yourself banned several times over. If the Council of the Olive Garden did not exist, what group assembled The Loose Canon? What is the name of group the authors gave permission to to include their works in The Loose Canon? Even if the Council did not exist, you would still know to tread lightly by clicking link number 1 (yay!) in my post then going to page number 2 (awe...!) of the forum thread to come up.
Lastly, I highly doubt that any lawyer would work for a measely $50; I've spoken to lawyers in the past (not for legal issues, mind you) and I've known people who have had to highered lawyers -- and they aren't that cheap! So, if that's all the money you have, good luck to you.
6:07 pm

Coming to a city near you sometime after August 9, 2024. Dates have not yet been determined.
6:14 pm

ItchyPirate said
Thank you for your kind words to me as a "delusional" person living in the past, and thank you also for the fact that you failed to prove any of your statements. Futher, thank you for trying to trick me into using a website run by a company that tries to track me everywhere I go in order to watch a song that is probably insincere. Thank you also for revealing that you cannot count 15 things as 15 things but rather that you can count to only 1.
The links I provided in post number 2 (sorry, I know you can't count that high) prove that you do not have permission to publish The Loose Canon.
Furthermore, the authors of the written works have given permission to the Council of the Olive Garden to publish their works in The Loose Canon; if you don't believe me, you can post on the Venganza forum to ask for proof there -- or you would be able to if you hadn't gotten yourself banned several times over. If the Council of the Olive Garden did not exist, what group assembled The Loose Canon? What is the name of group the authors gave permission to to include their works in The Loose Canon? Even if the Council did not exist, you would still know to tread lightly by clicking link number 1 (yay!) in my post then going to page number 2 (awe...!) of the forum thread to come up.Lastly, I highly doubt that any lawyer would work for a measely $50; I've spoken to lawyers in the past (not for legal issues, mind you) and I've known people who have had to highered lawyers -- and they aren't that cheap! So, if that's all the money you have, good luck to you.
Fell free to text me anytime. (252) 503-1402
12:31 am

Take Me to court; let us argue our case together.
State your case, so that you may be vindicated.
Isaiah 43:26 HCSB
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